Development Update: The Village

The Village

The Village, located in Cheltenham Victoria, is set to be a vibrant oasis within an urbane environment — full of personality, diversity and energy. The Village will combine sharp urban design with the fresh influence of its Bayside location. Through innovation and modern sensibility, The Village will get the best out of these dual aspects, creating a unique proposition, exceptional value and an enviable lifestyle.

Substantial construction works have been carried out onsite and the below construction photos were taken early July. Specific work completed, or due for an imminent start, as follows:

  • Capping beam works have been completed except for a small section at the entrance gate
  • Shotcrete works are approximately 30% complete
  • Ground level foundation pile cap cages are blinded and cages have been fabricated ready for installation. Pile caps may be poured in July depending on progress
  • Bulk excavation works have continued, as aligned with basement retention program
  • The lower level foundation piles may commence late July
  • The crane base may be poured late July.

The current build program is scheduled for September 2017 completion.

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